Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just One of Those Days

It was one of those days. Yesterday was suppose to be easy going with a little coffee time with a friend I had not seen in some time and then some quick returns at various stores and then zipping home to make dinner for Mark’s parents that were coming over last night. Ahhhhh I love how things seem so easy and simple in our minds, don’t you?

What actually happened yesterday was this:

I was awakened two different times during the night as our dog Roxanne scratched at our door wanting to go outside. She would run out, do her thing and come back, (her thing was a very upset tummy, if you get my drift). Roxanne would then run in and jump back in my bed. When morning came I was exhausted and concerned. In addition to the back end issues she was now making deposits from the front end too. It was not pretty over here.

All this lead to a soiled comforter that needed to be washed, once that was removed Roxanne then soiled our blanket which I then removed to wash as well. It was not long before she returned to my bed to comfort herself one more time which now meant I would be washing my sheets. It was time to call the veterinarian; this was not a situation I could handle alone.

I believe this all started when our sweet puppy helped herself to a trash bag I had left out for a quick minute. It was an innocent and stupid mistake that I was learning a very strong lesson from. There was my bed that was just gross, my basement carpet where I discovered later Roxanne was sneaking to for some privacy during her distress and of course my all important me time which had to be postponed so I could spend $135.00 to get our dog “back on track” at the veterinarian. A very long and expensive lesson in not believing those innocent puppy eyes for one single second…EVER!

In the middle of all of this dog drama, one of our daughters cars hit the skids so another boat load of cash was dispensed somewhere else to repair that. Let’s just say by the time I was done cooking dinner and entertaining Mark’s parents I was spent and literally just sat doing nothing until I could stand long enough to get ready to sleep in my very clean bed, where my day had begun with loads of fun and excitement. I guess it was just one of those days, we all have them. We look back at those days as a reminder of what a good day really is. Savor every moment people; you just never know what will happen next.

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