Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Twenty Years Ago Today...

It has been twenty years…some years seemed longer than others but we made it through. We have laughed until our stomachs hurt and cried over life and its mighty blows. We have raised three beautiful girls and lost grandparents, a niece, a Mom and a Dad. Yet we remain rock solid and completely invested in walking this path together.
This has not been an easy twenty years, I am no walk in the park believe me! I have tried Mark’s patience more than once…ok probably way more than twenty times, but he has not always been a piece of cake either. The best part is that after twenty years you are through the adjustment period, you know the person pretty well and you over look a lot.
I know that we have an investment in each other. We know what to expect and when we do surprise each other it is always for the good. We have helped each other through the tough stuff and I cannot imagine my life any other way or with any other person. I truly believe that I am living God’s plan for my life. I like that we sometimes pull away from each other because of stress or some other issue, but always end up together. We know that there is no safer place to fall then into each other’s arms.
Twenty years ago today I married my best friend and I am pleased to tell you we are still best friends today. Nothing about being married is easy, you are not only marrying your partner you are marrying their family and their issues. I remember someone liking it to carrying luggage into your life. You take on a life partner and you end up with lots of extra baggage! Obviously if you have been reading this blog for a while you know that Mark ended up with a lot of extra baggage when I walked into his life!
Today and everyday and everyday forward I am a lucky lady, with a great life and a fabulous husband and friend. I know that God willing we will go out of this world knowing we hung in there and made as much of the extra baggage disappear as we could and found places to tuck the baggage we did not know what to do with. All this so we can say I LOVE YOU to each other for as long as we can, laugh some more, cry some more and live life together.

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