Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is turkey day. My turkey is in the kitchen waiting for my attention, which will happen in just a few moments. First I must sip my coffee and spend a little quiet time. Yesterday I made two pies, chopped veggies for a vegetable tray, taught Avery how to make homemade cranberry relish and later made some appetizers to nibble on when Ashleigh arrived home.

Thanksgiving is our day to do nothing but eat. We usually do not make any plans and spend the day eating, playing games and I of course search through all the sale ads for my shopping trip on Friday. This year, I am unprepared. My Christmas shopping list is nonexistent and I worry that my girlfriend and I will be roaming from store to store and accomplishing nothing. As I have mentioned before, the midnight starting time the stores have started has really taken the thrill out of the shopping hunt for me. I cannot help but worry that by the time we head out at 6 AM there will be nothing but bare shelves and crabby cashiers.

Regardless, today I am thankful we will have all of our daughter's home with us and that we are blessed to have the life we are living. We have everything we need and we are blessed enough to be able to share with others in need. As I prepare to go cook my stuffing, peel my potatoes (we all love homemade mashed potatoes) and stuff my turkey, I am also thankful that I enjoy cooking for my family. Having them each enjoy their favorite part of the meal is my motivation to get back at it next year.

I am thankful to you as well that you take the time to stop by my blog to see what crazy idea I have in my head most days. Knowing that there are a few people out there that are interested, or just curious about my crazy life has kept me pouring out my heart for over two years now. I am truly thankful for this outlet and the opportunity it has given me to leave a recorded history for my family of just what my life has been like as I have made my way through the loss of my Mom and learned that she may not be physically here, but she remains in my heart.

To all of you I wish for you to have a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season. May your wishes become reality and your hard work be rewarded.

I will be back at my blog on Monday November 28th

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