Friday, September 11, 2015

Running Out of Summer

This is the time of year when we start losing interest in summer and start longing for fall. The hot humid days wear on us and the cool evenings call to us as we snuggle under a blanket. We start feeling the excitement for fall like we once felt when summer was on its way.

I remember the excitement I felt just a few short months ago when I pulled out my stack of shorts and gave them priority wearing status. They were bright and cheery and they beamed the sunny light of the summer to come. It felt like summer was stretching out before me, I had plenty of time to accomplish so many things, yet much of my list went undone. Sometimes I skipped the list so we could go fun places and do fun things and other times I had no interest in the list or rather “the noose”.  Now I’m faced with some tasks that I just think about and panic because I am running out of summer or better yet ran out. These tasks will be piled onto the fall list.

Fall is just toying with us now. Cool evenings, warm days and lots of yummy fall foods. I am longing for apple everything and Mums and straw bales. Along with a warm bonfire that brings with it good conversations with friends and warmed cider. We are nearly there. The calendar says it is fall, but Mother Nature runs the show and she is taking her sweet time sending fall all the way in. Before long we will be looking back at summer with a little tear in our eye.

I love each season. Each has its own blessings and curses, but the transitions from one to the other always leave me feeling a little wonky because I miss the old season and long for the new one.  There is no doubt that God created this seasonal metaphor for us to ponder. Learning to move in and out of each season of the year helps me realize that I can do the same in each season of my life. I also know that as this summer rolls away it is not gone for good. In no time at all I will move my shorts back on top in my drawer and I will be rotating things on my to-do list once more. For now I’m just going to slide the shorts to the bottom of my drawer and start dusting off my cozy sweaters, as my excitement for fall begins and summer runs out.

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