Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Photo empty wallet!

Yesterday morning I went online to check out my bank account. I had written a check to the high school for the girl's year books back in August and it still had not cleared. I was starting to think that maybe I should contact the school to see if the paperwork had been lost. How long does it take to deposit a check anyway? The excitement came when I opened up our account online to discover our checking account, savings account and even our overdraft protection were at zero. It felt a little like when you see a magic trick that you cannot explain, I was surprised and shocked at what I saw.

I immediately called my Credit Union. "Hello, Blah blah Credit Union how may I help you?" "Um hi…I am freaking out right now…my account is at zero and there are a bunch of charges from Baltimore, Maryland that I know nothing about!" From there it took on a life of its own. I was told that ours was one of three accounts that had been compromised, that did not help me feel any better, but maybe they thought if I knew about the others I would not take it too personally.What crossed my mind was that whoever did this thought that they deserved what I had, they were entitled to it. Why work for money when you can just take it from wherever you want too. Bonnie and Clyde came to mind, they also felt they were entitled; the difference was they would shoot whoever tried to stop them. With technology we now have the crime without the shooting, but it does not hurt any less. Someone decides they want what you have and they just take it, same old story different day. In the end we will get back what they took from us, once the credit union sorts it all out, their insurance will reimburse us for our loss. Those crooks walk away with our money and the bank gets stuck with the bill. Nice gig if you can still sleep at night. I am sure I will never understand how people can do these types of things. Seriously, with all the talent, time and energy it takes to think this stuff up and carry it out, these criminals could be inventing cures for cancer or something. What a giant waste of a brain!

So here is the question of the day, what turns people from honesty and hard work. When do you say to yourself, "You know what, I do not want to work, I want to live a life of crime"? I will probably never understand the concept of evil and deceit. I have been living with evil and deceit in my life for almost the last two years watching everything my Dad did and now sorting through it all with my sister and I still do not get it. Why intentionally hurt someone else? Why take what is not yours? What makes you entitled?

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