Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras

Laissez les bon temps rouler! Let the good times roll!! Today is Mardi gras, in our house it is a holiday. When my parents moved to New Orleans in 1994 their tradition of Mardi gras became part of our lives and we have enjoyed celebrating it ever since.

Marks special Cajun cooking spoon
Mark is busy in the kitchen working on a delicious gumbo recipe for dinner. In a little while I will dig out our Mardi gras beads and decorate the table for our meal time celebration. There is always a glass of wine and a glass of beer as part of the dinner. We do not go to the extent of throwing beads or lifting our tops, but we have fun none the less.

We have much to celebrate today, we learned today that Mark has been offered a job and after looking over the offer he accepted the position. There are a few weeks of paperwork and reference checking ahead, but it is a relief to know that in just a few weeks he will be back to work and our lives will start to get back to normal. In the mean time we have a basement to finish and I am celebrating Mark having the time to finish it…*YaY*! Now before you start feeling bad for Mark about his slave driver wife, you should know that he feels the same way. He can finally focus on the completion of the task and not have to squeeze it in between job hunting.

The rest of the week holds more surprises, so I continue to make my way through one day at a time. I should warn you this could mean sporadic or nonexistent blogging, so you will have to cut me a little slack. I will keep the loop going as best I can. Right now all I care about is the delicious gumbo that is cooking in the kitchen and the fact that my Ubu is gainfully employed once again, which I always knew he would be, but worried about anyway.
So tonight I wish you all a wonderful and joyful Fat Tuesday and Mardi gras (which means eve of the beginning of fast). May you be full and happy, most importantly happy!


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