Monday, November 1, 2010

Dream Chasing

One of our Halloween pumpkins this year,
 my personal favorite!
  This morning
as I was stumbling around trying to make my bed, I looked up and caught sight of my dream board. You remember my dream board, don't you? That's what got this new blog series going.

"Oh yeah…my dreams, I forgot about those", I thought to myself when I caught sight of the dream board.

Honestly, I have been so busy living, I forgot about my dreams. Welcome to reality, maybe dreams are more of a guideline of what you want your life to be. As much as I would like my dreams to be my focus, my life begs to differ. I do not think I am alone. I am certain that my predicament is normal for most people. You get so caught up in the everyday normal life you are living and you slowly forget to review your personal dream agenda. Maybe that in its self is a blessing. I would not want to get so tied to my dream agenda that I could not side track and spend some time with my kids or Mark.
 The best I can do is keep looking for my dreams and hopefully I will work one or two into the life I am really living. I like the idea that the dream board is more of a guideline. That gives me a little wiggle room to let life play its self out and every now and then sneak in a dream. No use making my dreams the priority, that would only make them seem like work, and they would lose their magical powers of rejuvenation and healing. Besides, I like my life and if I mess with it too much, it might turn into something less enjoyable.

All I am really saying is that my life (as it is) really is a dream come true and some days in the midst of teenitudes and housework and grocery shopping I lose that dreamy feeling. It's nice to have other dreams out there to help refocus me, but making them the ultimate driving force behind everything I do could be a mistake. I would miss the fun that just pops up unexpectedly and makes me fulfilled and happy. Things like talking with my one of my daughters when she is sad and helping her feel better again, or making plans for a trip that was never even on my dream radar, but sounds like fun. I will not be giving up my dream board or even my dreams anytime soon. I will even be searching for more dream ideas. The difference is that now I realize that although I am not staring at my dreams every day, they are still there and they are not going anywhere. That is because they are my dreams and they will be with me for as long as I want them there. That is a dream come true.

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