Mark and I outside the original Starbucks in Seattle |
Pigs dressed as reindeer...kind of like it! |
Yesterday afternoon Mark and I went with Avery to see Harry Potter #7. The girls had gone to see it when it first came out on Friday, but we had told them we would go with them on Sunday. Aly backed out at the last minute in the interest of homework, so Avery, Mark and I spent the afternoon watching the intense and amazing part one of the final phase of this series. Once home, I was ready for my pajamas. My hope is that in the next couple of days I can kick this jet lag and get back on track.
I also made a call to Aunt Nina last night. She shared her list of complaints about her week and I had the distinct feeling that we were heading down the same path we did last year when she randomly decided to move to the place she is living now. The only difference is that this time I am not moving her. I listened to her complaints and let her vent, but I am certain that she is so unhappy about so many things that nothing we do will be good enough, ever. Welcome home!
There is a part of me that would take another week of being away. I needed the time "off", but the truth is that it is not my life that needs to change it is me, and I figured that out yesterday when I was talking with Aunt Nina. Nothing is ever going to be exactly as we want it to be, it is what we make of the time we have that makes the difference. Negative breeds more negative…positive breeds even more positive. I will have to keep reminding myself of this as I make my way through the next few days of getting over my jet lag, buying groceries for Thanksgiving and doing laundry on top of visiting with my aunt and dealing with whatever comes along for the week about my Mom's estate. There never is a dull moment. It is good to be home.
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