Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Big Pain

I have had this nagging pain. It has been on and off for a few weeks now and the pain while not excruciating has been annoying, until yesterday. That's when I took Avery to the doctor for a sinus infection and decided that since I was there I would mention my Sciatic nerve issue. Big mistake, because now the pain is way worse and I am worried I will be a granny pants on our trip next week.

Once I mentioned my pain to our family doctor he started folding, spindling and mutilating my body. Contorting it into poses I am certain bodies are not suppose to do and viola, I am now a walking ad for back pain. I know that my doctor's plan was to make my back better, but his plan has failed and I am hoping it is a temporary issue. I really do not want to be complaining the entire trip how uncomfortable I am, and I am also positive Mark does not want that either.

I know I need to call the doctor and get back in to see him. Maybe he can unpretzel me and get me back to normal. I just have to squeeze this doctor visit into the 459,000 other things I want to accomplish this week. Reality is that my back is a high priority, it is just convincing me to make the time that is the problem. I have a funny feeling I will be heading into the weekend with my eyes bugging out and a feeling of anxiety about not getting everything done. If I do not get this back situation cleared up, I will be buggy eyed and stooped over. Wouldn't that be a pretty sight walking through the airport with my husband?

So after my pedicure today, I guess I will also need a back cure. I have been looking forward to this trip way too long to suddenly have it ruined by a big pain. I refuse to become a granny pants. I also refuse to give up hope that I will be back to myself very soon. I wish now that I had just let the dull nagging annoyance go. I would have been a lot better off. Oh well, no use crying over a bent pretzel rod, I will just have to do what I can to get my back "back" very soon.

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