Friday, February 22, 2013


Recently the topic of dreaming has been prominent in my life. Not the fast asleep type of dreaming but the type of dreaming that many times finds a person doing amazing things because they follow their heart. I should tell you that I have never been very good at following my heart. Most of my young life I was told more often what I could not do and should not do and…that little girl grew into someone who had little faith in herself and thought very little was within her reach. Any dreams that were once in my heart were pushed out by someone else's version of what was obtainable for me.

I carried a dream with me for many years I held it close and rarely shared it, but when I did it was only with the most trusted of friends. Because my faith in myself was nonexistent I never really believed the dream could come true. Once I did have a shot at my dream and believed it would happen until the shot failed and I packed up my belief and kept it locked away. Whenever I would start to think about my dream I would unlock the dream look at it, remember my failure and lock the dream away again. Eventually I stopped bothering with unlocking the dream it seemed silly and a waste of time.

Now with children of my own, I have spent much of my time dreaming for them and encouraging them to dream for themselves and suddenly I hear this soft tapping on my heart to unlock my dream and let it out. It occurs to me that my children will never know the delight of a dream or believe in their dreams if I do not delight and believe in my own dreams. Not only do I owe myself the chance to live my dream, I owe it to my children to blaze the trail of self belief.

Somewhere planted inside of each of us is a seed planted with love. It is the dream seed and it will grow if we tend it and love it. To others it may not look like much or it might even look like too much, but it is our dream. There inside you, you know you feel the stirrings of your dream. Perhaps its roots are tangled and untended or maybe the dream seems old and out dated, but it is in there.

Do you have a tangled and untended dream? Is it possible for you to lovingly take out your dream, dust it off and make it fit into your life? Mine barely seems practical at this point in my life, but I have my children's eyes on me and their belief in me keeps me moving forward. As I have worked at my dream I have come to realize that there are other dreams that have lain dormant and untended and suddenly they too are untwining and calling to me.

The responsibility for my dreams is now my own. I can shut off the voices in my head that are stopping me and open my heart and let the dreams bloom. The little girl inside me, that so long ago left her dreams behind has opened her heart to dreaming again. There are days when the voices climb in my head and remind me of the doubts, but the dream vine is strong and as I share the dream with others it blooms even more beautifully. The love and belief that others pour on the dream are like fertilizer to my soul and suddenly everything seems more obtainable. Is today the day for you to take a peek at that tucked away dream? Will you listen to the soft tapping on your heart and release your dream seed and let it bloom? I hope so, because not only will it set your dream free, it will set you free too.

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