With winter in full swing in my town, I am continually faced with snow. Some days the snow is fluffy light snow and other days the snow is forceful and commanding. This snow even in its most delicate state can slow traffic and even disrupt schedules. If enough snow works together it can even collapse a roof or tumble down a mountain side covering everything in its path. It reminds me how even the smallest of things can command our lives.
Sometimes the smallest gesture or the gentlest touch can change a day for someone, random smile towards someone you do not know or letting that car into the lineup of traffic. These are gentle flakes of human kindness that remind us that there is still good in our world.
The other day I was heading into my local grocery store I was not paying close attention other then noting that the crosswalk was ahead and there was no traffic in sight. I stepped into the crosswalk and made my way towards the store when a car whipped past me and honked his horn at me. I was immediately aggravated and shouted at the car that they had a stop sign and I was in the crosswalk. Lovely behavior I know, but that moment was like a mountain of snow crushing my day, I stomped into the store and grabbed a cart feeling grumpy and hoping I did not come face to face with the driver of that car. As I made my way through the store I was stuck under the avalanche of a bad attitude and could not get out from under it.
When I reached the register I came face to face with my snow angel. The cashier was gentle, kind and thoughtful. Her kindness started shoveling away my mad mood and lovingly cleared a spot where I could see that things were not as bad as they seemed. As I pushed my cart towards the door I realized I was smiling and the best part of all, others smiled back at me. The smile was simple and heartfelt and it gently touched another who would in turn share the smile as well. Instead of an avalanche of a bad/mad mood there was suddenly a gentle soft kindness in the air. All because one person smiled and showed kindness.
While a light snow drifts from the sky this morning I see that it is piling up steadily and I am in awe of its gentle power. As you step out today perhaps you will be faced with a commanding treacherous road or a light fluffy slippery slope. My hope is that somewhere along the way you will meet a snow angel that will help you through the rough patch. Better yet perhaps you can be the commanding snow angel and melt the heart of another with a smile or some kindness.