Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Seeing the Truth

I had a tough conversation with my oldest daughter the other day. My daughter is a busy gal; she works full time and also spends time each day going to her local gym, all this on top of her single girl social life. Let’s just say she is always on the go. When my daughter moved out she took her dog Louis to live with her. Over the last few months I grew concerned about Louis and how he was holding up living with my girl on the go. This prompted me to invite him to join my daughter during her visit with us on Mother’s Day.

After the delicious Brunch and girl time shopping trip we were heading home and I asked my daughter if she would mind if Louis spent the night at our house. I explained that I would enjoy the time with him and it would give him a little company too. My daughter accepted my offer and then shared how worried she has been about him. She said she works so much and many times comes home to find his puppy toys everywhere and him eager to play while she is exhausted and not sure she can do another thing.

This is when the hard part started. My daughter was feeling sad because she wanted so badly to care for her dog, but her life right now just does not have room for a dog. She said she felt like a failure. My opinion was that a failure would not recognize the unfairness of the situation for the dog and continue the arrangement even though it was not the right one. The most important part is to see the truth and move forward from there.

Our home now has two dogs. Our lives are already integrated into pet life with our dog and two cats. We have always enjoyed caring for Louis and in the end Louis living here is the best thing for him and also for my daughter. The decision was hard for her and I really did not want her to feel badly but we have worried about Louis being alone so much. Dogs are social beings and being a social being myself, I know it is hard on me when there is nothing social happening in my life and I can only imagine it is the same for Louis. Seeing the truth is the easy part, making the change is the tough part and doing what is right is its own reward.

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