Friday, May 10, 2013

Back to Business

You don’t need to say anything I know you are disappointed that I have not written in a week. Honestly, so am I. I started writing a long explanation this morning, but deleted it. It was boring and no one really cares. You come here to read the goings on and the random thoughts that I write and reading my laundry list of reasons why last week was an epic fail on my life list of writing moments is not going to entertain you. Let us just agree that I was busy and writing was not going to happen. It was a disappointment for all of us.

Within all the business there were a few exciting items. The first one was that my husband Mark has a new job. This would be the job that I was lamenting about…you know the one where he will work from home and I will be held accountable for all my comings and goings. Yeah, that job. The big picture is that he is happy and he will not have an hour drive back and forth each day and hopefully much less work stress.

The other exciting news is that FINALLY the papers to finish my Mom’s estate have been drafted and we are now waiting on everyone’s signatures. After three years of fighting to make things right I am hoping to be done. The ironic part was the papers came out on the date of my Dad’s death and there is a good chance that we will be able to disperse to the beneficiaries around the date of my Mom’s death. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

One other piece of excitement was that my youngest, Avery was reelected as President of her class with her girlfriend and Co-President. It was a stressful few weeks here as we dealt with what we consider inequities, but we pushed through and Avery one. I am glad now that I heeded Avery’s request and stayed out of it. It was not easy, I do not like to see my daughter stressed and upset. Honestly, no good would have come from my stepping into what I perceived as unfair. Parenting is not easy you want to help your children as much as you can but sometimes what we consider helping really does not help at all.

Next week looks pretty good, so I should be able to get back to business and write. I am sure by now you have realized that I write for me as much as I write for you, so when I cannot write all these crazy thoughts I have store up in my brain in a jumble and it’s not too pretty in there. 

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