Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today is March 17th…St. Patrick's Day. On St Patrick's Day you wear green, drink and eat green food and pretend that you are Irish by saying words like potato in an Irish brogue. Let's practice…come on; you know you want to…PO…TA…TOE. The emphasis should be on the TA part, raising your voice a little and your falsetto too. It's still early, but I am sure then when Mark wakes up he will do his usual PO…TA…TOE.

It happens to be Mark's go to St. Patrick's Day bit. Never mind that I have heard it for over twenty years, I still laugh and then say it along with him, it is dumb, but we are simple folk and it does not take much to keep us entertained.

Actually I have spent the last few days trying to find a green shirt. Most St. Patrick's days our weather is chilly, so I have a green sweater and a green jacket that is the extent of my green wardrobe. This year for whatever reason, our weather is unseasonably warm and I am faced with a 72 degree day and no green. I am thinking of going with a greenish cargo Capri pant and a top with some green blended in. I know…this is boring to you, but I have been quite frustrated about this issue and it feels good to finally have an idea. These are important issues that need to be dealt with when you are trying to impress others with your Irish fashion savvy.

Because our family has an action packed day I am saving my corned beef and cabbage dinner for tomorrow night. It is a traditional boiled supper that my Grandma used to make. Again, Grandma was not Irish, but she enjoyed pretending by making this meal, so I jumped on board with it to impress my family with our family food history and my culinary gifts.

I should slide a warning in right here…this is serious.

When you do something that your family enjoys they will consider it a tradition and they will expect it all the time, the same way. You will not be allowed to change any of the details about the tradition even if you are tired of it or bored with it that is why it is called a tradition. As an example: Cheesy potatoes every Christmas. At one point I had made my family my famous (and traditional) from scratch Chocolate/chocolate cake so many times I refused to make it anymore. I was bored with it. There you have it that is your warning.

So Happy St Patrick's Day to you, I hope you have a safe and delightful day full of green. Please avoid being green with envy or so sick you turn green. Also practice your Irish brogue (PO…TA…TOE) and if you are feeling especially festive, do a jig! Finally, if you come across a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, please remember to share. It will make you happy to see others happy.

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