Tuesday, May 24, 2011


AUGPH! That's how I feel. Seriously, why is it that my family's hill rolls all of their stuff in my direction? I wonder if they had a big meeting a few years ago and decided to see how much they could throw at me before I crack. All I can do with my new job of cleaning up my Aunts life and getting it ready to hand to her Grandson's is step into it and get going. I knew this was going to happen and it is best that I just get at it.

Her attorney…(well actually he is now my attorney…that now makes two attorneys making money off of my family) is helping me pull this whole thing together into something a little more manageable. All in all I am numb. Overwhelmed and numb. This is all going to take time and I must center myself enough to not let the pressure of others and what they would like to knock me off my center. AUGPH!

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