Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tough Love

Five short years ago when they needed me...
 I have a sense of urgency today. Both of my girls come home tonight and I have this need to get things done around my house today. Why, I think that my kids will care about the housework I finish before they get home is beyond me. None the less, I am compelled to try to accomplish a few things before we head out to see Aunt Nina. I am anxious and feel this mounting stress. Today it would be best if I am active and completing some household projects. Something like raking, folding laundry and cleaning out my fish pond will fill the bill. Anything that will make the time between now and when I can wrap my arms around my girls and welcome them home will do.

There was a message on the church website this morning that perhaps some of the teens on the trip forgot how to apply sunscreen. I have my fingers crossed that Aly was not one of those kids; sunburn is the worst possible souvenir. Avery has told us that she has a bit of a burn and I am hoping that it is just a little pink and nothing to painful. Avery has always been the child that tans, so to hear that she had burned made feel a little guilt for not giving a better mommy reminder before she left.

As I was lamenting some of these issues with my sister yesterday, she asked me "How old is she?" I started to laugh at that as I realized that both of these girls are old enough now to take on the responsibility for their own actions, and maybe Mommy needs to let go a little! So, today as I putter around the house and prepare for my children's return I should also prepare for the fact that this is just the beginning of my girls stepping out on their own. So mixed in with my urgent preparations today is a little bit of a reality check. My girls are able to take care of themselves and I am not doing them any favors if I hover over them and try to make everything OK. A little sunburn is a good lesson that sunscreen needs to be applied. Honestly, I figured that out when I was about their age and had basted myself with baby oil and fried myself like a sunny side up egg. Is this what they call tough love or letting go?

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