Friday, November 1, 2013


My writing was once an early morning pastime that easily integrated into my day. I would do my morning workout or spend time getting my family out the door and then the next hour or so were mine to write and read or whatever else I needed to accomplish just for me. Suddenly my working out is later, my husband is working from home and I am busy with commitments that I have made and I find myself frantically swimming upstream just to write.

As my day begins I am full of intent to write and then watch (as if in slow motion) as my day siphons away and the whole time I am moving my writing schedule in my head, making it later and later into the day until my writing is swallowed up and disappears. This is very frustrating! My intent is always to write, but life comes knocking and the best laid plans become just a “thing I gotta do” and instead of the release of thoughts that you have come to expect when you come to my blog, you either get nothing or you get subpar folly.

I will not give up hope that someday I can write early and jump into my day from there, but right now, we are all going to just have to live with what we have and make the best of a difficult but not horrible situation. It is my opinion that the more we focus on “shoulda, coulda, woulda” the less we move forward. Change sometimes seems too much to bear, but there is something about adapting and changing with a situation that brings us a little more forward in our lives and many times we realize we are better for that change.

I would like to believe that when my life comes to the end that I will have changed and transformed myself into the person I was meant to be. If that means I have to adjust my schedule and do things out of my norm than that is what I will do. The best part is that I get to drag you along with me. What if in the end you are changed too? I encourage you to take some time to look at the next change you are faced with as an opportunity to be a better version of who you are now. I will, if you will!

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