Thursday, March 17, 2011

Did You Really Just Say That?

Typically I do my banking twice a month. We have an account at a credit union that I opened when I was younger. The credit union is about a half hour from my home so twice a month is plenty to make that trip. Mark and I did the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University a couple of years ago, and we have worked hard to be diligent with our money since then. Part of that process of Financial Peace University is not using credit and using cash for everything, so we find ourselves banking more often.

I made my way to our trusty Credit Union the other day hoping to get in and out. When I opened the door to the credit union building I saw one of the tellers that I have worked with many times before and he called me over. I began my transaction and was waiting for the teller to complete it when I decided to ask him "How long have I had an account here?" The teller looked at my account and said "You opened your account July of 1981". "Wow" I replied, "That's thirty years ago?!" "I can't believe it". That's when he said it, "Yeah, I wasn't even born yet!"

Really, did you really just say that? I thought to myself. Just a few minutes earlier, I had hopped out of my car feeling cute and fashionable as I walked into the credit union and soon I would be dragging myself back to the car to lick my wound. That scrawny teller could have gone all day without pointing out that he had not been born yet. Honestly, my oldest daughter had not been born yet either, so what? What does that have to do with anything? It felt like a cold glass of reality had just been tossed into my face.

Life is marching on and it is taking me along with it. I suppose in just a matter of years I will be saying things like "It's better than the alternative…" or like my Mom use to say "I'm not bad for an old broad". You know cute self deprecating quips that are funny yet make people uncomfortable? OK, not really, I would not do that, but it did make me realize that I had better start grabbing life by the handfuls. There is no time to waste. If the next thirty years go as fast as the last thirty, time is of the essence.

Today is St Patrick Day and I intend to celebrate. Why not? Don't get me wrong I am not going to be running from one pub to another, but I do plan to enjoy the day. With only thirty years or so ahead, I best get going if I plan to squeeze out every drop of life that I have left. One other thing, the next time I go to the credit union, I will probably avoid the "kid" teller. I prefer to work with someone that has more advanced experience, you know someone more like myself. This will bring me emotional peace. Consider it my own personal university for coming to terms with growing older without the help of some whipper snapper! Did I really just say that? Oh yes I did!




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