My Aunt Nina has been having a tough time lately, in the next few days it will have been three years since her daughter and only child died. She feels lonely and sad, she asks why she is still here and her daughter and husband are gone. It is odd, because she feels like she is the one who was cheated, she would like to pass away too. She feels the pain of her daughters lose every single day.
I am fortunate to have three very close friends. I have so many wonderful people in my life, so many people that I care about, these three women and I raised our children together as neighbors and friends. Three of us walk together and exercise together four days a week. All of these women are like family to me.
One of these women had invited us over for a lovely afternoon. It was right out of the fifties. We arrived at her home and she had the table set with a tablecloth and flowers. She poured us a dainty glass of wine and served a delicious salad lunch. The four of us sat there for three hours laughing and talking. As the afternoon was winding down, one of our dear friends cell phone rang. She did not recognise the number, and hesitated answering it, but decided to anyway. It was her daughter. She had been in a terrible car accident, and her car had flipped over. She was alive, scared and wanted her Mom to come as the emergency personnel took her to the hospital.
Time just stopped.
We all went into auto pilot. I grabbed my keys and told her to get in the car and we all flew to the accident scene. Fortunately, her daughter had been on her way home from school and was only a short distance away. Even those short few minutes were a life time. My friends daughter, has been friends with my girls since the moment we moved into our home. She has been like a big sister to my girls and I love her as part of our family. Hearing of her being hurt or in danger was like hearing that about one of my own children.
Once we arrived at the accident scene and saw the car flipped over on to its roof, we jumped out of the car running. The EMS workers had her in a neck brace and were getting ready to put her on a board to take her to the hospital. She looked so little. This sweet girl that is a senior in high school, sat there on the ground with her eyes as big as saucers, frightened out of her mind. And her Mom, my friend lost it. She saw the car and her daughter and knew instantly how lucky she was. Her daughter was very lucky to be alive. She climbed into the ambulance with her and we followed her to the hospital to be there if she needed anything.
These moments in our lives are the moments that snap us back to what is important. The kids grades could be better, or they could clean there room, but over all, being able to hold them and kiss them and tell your kids you love them, that is what we really want at the end of the day. My friend is spending the day with her daughter today. I can only imagine that any one of us would do the very same. I know that my 92 year old Aunt would like to do that with her fifty something daughter if she could. Our love and devotion to our children never ends, no matter how old those kids get. I would say that this calls for some super Mom hugs today.
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