The other day, I was on Facebook and read my oldest daughters post for the day. It read:
"Reflecting on life today, can't believe how much
it takes out of a person."
As I read that my heart hurt a little that this vibrant young woman was already feeling beaten down by the daily battle of life. I commented back to her,
"Ahh life also has a lot to offer, it is the perception, not the reality that will get you through!"
If I have learned anything in the last few weeks, it is that if we lived on reality alone, we would not survive. Looking at my life right now and turning it over and over in my mind (as I do almost constantly). I realize that I can let the events surrounding me right now consume me, or I can make it work for me. Years ago when I was much younger, someone said to me "Every job has its dirty dishes!" I have used that quote numerous times. I have said this to my kids and friends, because it really struck a chord with me. I really think that life is that way too, I really do not think that any of us gets a free pass on heartache. Heartache and sadness, unfaithfulness, thievery, you name it, all these and more show up each day as our life's helping of dirty dishes.
If we base all of what we feel on the reality in our lives we will never see what is right in front of us...our opportunity to live. To just move through the unhappy moment one step at a time. Reaching out for your friends or even just changing your attitude about where you are at in life. Making the most of each moment the best you can. I have been at funerals where as we were chatting about the person that had passed, we hear a story about them that makes us laugh. We remember them and we remember the happiness. That is just an example of when we set aside the dirty dishes.
I hope that in the weeks to come, I can look at my lifes sink full of dishes and remember the stories for each dish and still move forward. I choose to be happy. I choose to let every new cup and plate motivate me towards something better, not slow me down or stall me out. I choose to percive life as an opportunity and not a jail sentence. I guess it is like what another good friend always says, "Its all about choices!". I also hope that I can pass this on to my oldest daughter. Maybe I can call her and give her a big Mommy hug over the phone to help get her through.
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