Middle school stinks! I know this from personal experience. Some of the largest blows to my self-esteem came in middle school. That is why when Avery talked with me last night about her friends and middle school my heart went out to her.
Avery really is in a great place for a middle school student . She has several friends, and they are not all in the same clique. She does well in school, and prefers reading to just about any activity (eating candy and sleepovers aside.). The only problem is that Avery does not understand that not everyone has what she has. She struggles with the people that are always seeking attention and she has no patience for people that hurt others on purpose. I had a hard time with those things myself growing up, but hurting people and seeking attention are all part of the middle school code, aren't they?
When Avery sat down and talked with me last night, all I could do was reassure her that she has it right and to just hang in there for a few more months. Middle school kids have been acting like this for hundreds of years. This must be some right of passage for kids that age. I know I have heard that some people will say and do mean things to others to make themselves feel better, which would pretty much explain middle school in a nutshell. All these adolescents running around trying to figure out how they fit into the world, trying to take out anyone that threatens them. This can make for a long school day.
Avery is in 8th grade, so she is just about done with the whole middle school thing. Next year she will be in high school and that will be a whole other can of worms. That reminds me of something a friend of mine recently said, "Little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems!" I guess I can be glad that Avery will talk to me about her little problems. That gives me hope that when she does stumble across a big problem that she will know she has somewhere to turn. For a Perfect Mom in training that also gives me hope I am doing something right.
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