Todays photo is a happy Avery
I am someone who has a tough time sticking with a decision. I think it is because I turn things over and over in my head. Always looking at the other side, no matter what side I am on.
Recently we had told Avery that she would not be able to go on a youth retreat, because we are planning to go to New Orleans for Thanksgiving and we are trying to watch our pennies and dollars. Yesterday, as I did my typical rotation of thought, I started to realize that Aly was going to be involved in a lot of activities in the weeks to come that we had paid for long before this New Orleans trip came up. Avery was really excited about the chance to go on this retreat and had been for sometime. When we told her she could not go to the retreat she was disappointed, but she understood and took the news pretty well.
The thing is during my thought rotation, I realized that making an investment in Avery and her growth was just as important if not more so than our trip down south. I want her to be able to experience every aspect of life and growing up while she is here with us. I feel like this is our shot at giving her wings.
At dinner last night, Mark and I shared with her our reversal of our original decision, and needless to say she was very happy. That was also worth making the change. We did add on to our decision that she would pay a small portion of the fee to go, and(never wanting to miss an opportunity to get her room in order)we added the requirement that her room be clean and her laundry done. Chalk one up for a semi perfect Mom.
I have to say that now I realize that my ability to make a decision is actually just different then most people. I have always beat myself up as not able to make a decision. Now as I write this, I like the idea of calling it thought rotation. It sounds less harsh, and it really is what I do. Perhaps even calling it decision rotation, is a little more accurate. The best part of this is, it makes me feel like what I do when I make decisions is actually a healthy and mature thing. Yeah, I am going with that. Healthy and mature, I like it, it sounds like something that someone working there way to perfect status would be.
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