Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I have a chair in my living room that is surrounded by candles, old family photos of my Mom and me and a very cute picture of my Grandparents smiling and waving out the windows of their very first car. Also on the table near the chair is my bible and the box stuffed with my Mom's ashes and as you may recall (if you have been stopping by my blog for a while) my Mom's dog and cat's ashes as well. On the walls nearby I have a stained glass moon, a moon mirror and a beautiful photograph that Mark took of the moon, as well as sun mirrors and sun plaques. In this chair is where you will find me writing on most cold fall and winter days, surrounded by happy memories, soft candle light, my family and celestial representatives.

It struck me recently that what I had created without realizing it was a place for reflection and prayer and in this place I feel centered and calm. I can pray and meditate and feel connected to my family and God. This place is a simple retreat where I can feel the love of my family that has passed and connect with my inner feelings and thoughts.

A few months ago I had consulted with a professional astrologer in hopes of learning some insights about myself and the path my life was taking. During my discussion with the astrologer, she had recommended that I construct a place for meditating and connecting with my loved ones. She shared that when loved ones pass we are left with the chance to continue the work their souls need to do and by connecting with them through thought and prayer we can help ourselves too. The interesting part was that I already had this place that I had created for myself.

Somewhere inside I have always been spiritual. I have always had a strong faith in God and the belief that my time here on earth needs to be spent working towards a more enlightened being. There is no doubt in my mind that I have a purpose on this earth and that by connecting with people and being open to opportunity I will become a better human being. I take the chance by telling you these things that you might consider me a bit of a crack pot, but I have two reasons for stepping out of my spiritual closet.
  1. Everyone needs a place to reflect, some place that they can go to and be one with themselves and think.
  2. Taking care of you is just like taking the air mask on an airplane before helping anyone else. You must come first so that you are able to be there for others.
There are days when there is not a spiritual bone in my body and if I was taken to the pearly gates there would probably be a conference about whether or not I should be allowed in. I am a work in progress, a very slow work in progress at that, but when I climb in my chair and look over at my loved ones I realize that I am not alone and no matter how slow the progress is, it is still better than no spiritual progress at all.

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