Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am going to come clean about a dirty little secret…I do not mind winter at all. I have friends and family that hate winter and cannot wait for winter to be over, but as for me, it does not matter to me in the least. Yesterday, as we enjoyed a slight warm up to 25 degrees, a couple of my girlfriends shared that they were ready for winter to be over; they were done with the snow and the cold. I could say nothing, because winter just does not bother me.

I realize that this fact is not going to shake the world to its core or solve world hunger, but it intrigues me that the snow and the cold do not faze me at all. Part of this has to do with the fact that I always just push through things that are uncomfortable. The more I concentrate on how hard something is the more difficult it becomes. I have found that if I just preserver and make my way through the discomfort there is a feeling of joy and success, I can then say to myself "I made it!" I always tell my girls that when they avoid something that is difficult or uncomfortable it will come back around later even more difficult and uncomfortable then the first time. I feel that when you are faced with a challenge and you walk through it you learn and grow as a person. There is no better feeling than facing your fears and challenges.

That being said, winter still rears its snowy head every year even though I face it head on. Perhaps that is why I have such a complacent attitude about it. I know it is coming, I know the drill, i.e. snow, and sloppy driving, cold etc. and I just face it down and move on. No big deal, it's just winter.

In fairness I should disclose that I do not like rain. For me, when spring comes that is when my challenge begins. I like to think it has something to do with my hair swelling up like a mushroom when it is damp, but to be honest I really do not know why I have such an issue with rain. I do know that no matter the weather it is all just a big build up for us to appreciate whatever comes next and if we just look Mother Nature in the eye and say "bring it" we will make it through just like we did the year before.

As I gaze out the window this morning I can see the sun shining and the breeze moving the trees a little and I think to myself how lucky we are to have this constant reminder that "this too shall pass", winter will soon be over and the weather will change and we will all pat ourselves on the back for making it through, so hang in there my friends, don't let winter bother you.

This song always makes winter sound delightful to me...enjoy!

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