My day started early yesterday, since the day before never really ended. I had a headache that would not quit. The headache ran across the bridge of my nose and up into my forehead it was dull and achy and was not letting up, finally early yesterday morning Mark offered me a warm compress and that seemed to help.
After a few times of Mark warming the compress for me I decided I would try my own homemade version by using a heating pad and a damp wash cloth. I put the two together and added my sleep mask and promptly fell asleep. Apparently while I was asleep I was the butt of my family's jokes. Mark even went so far as to take my picture while I was blissfully resting, but I do not even care, I was finally getting some sleep.
I do not normally get headaches like that. It was definitely something in my sinuses. Perhaps all the humidity was causing turbulence in the air, I am not sure what caused the headaches exactly, all I do know is that I ended up sleeping on and off the entire day and going to bed at 7 PM. Somewhere in the middle of the night, perhaps when the rain started the pain was gone.
I am well rested today. I have a few tasks to perform around the house and hopefully I have seen the last of the pain I was feeling. I have friends that get migraines and I cannot even imagine what those must be like. My sinus headache was certainly mild compared to what they must feel. In the future though I have a good plan of attack when the headache strikes again, it might not be pretty, but it gets the job done and when you hurt that's what counts! So mock me if you will, you just might be using my idea one day!