Merry Christmas!
In just a short while my family will be up and buzzing around preparing for our Christmas morning traditions. Once everyone is up, teeth must be brushed (this part is very important, you do not want to hug someone with smelly breath!) and coffee made, before we can all go downstairs to see what Santa has dropped down the chimney. We also have to pop the cinnamon rolls that we made in the oven to warm up. When all the hustle and bustle is finally over, we go downstairs to be together and open gifts.
Last night after church, we came home to find that Santa had once again come early and left pajama's under the tree for the girls and Mark. The girls quickly threw the pajamas on and we headed to the car (with Roxanne and Louis) to drive around and look at Christmas lights. We do this every year and the girls love it. Driving around in their "jammies" and rating each homes Christmas light display. A new twist this year was Mark and the girls also rating the Christmas song that were on the radio. Ah, memories! I am looking forward to watching each of my children raise their own families. I am curious to see what traditions they adopt for their children.
Ashleigh and Scott arrived home just as we were returning from our drive. I know I see them fairly often, but there is always a special thrill when they pull up at Christmas, I was so excited I took a picture of them! We enjoyed time with our family and some of our dearest friends came by to have a little dessert ( a delicious cheesecake made for us by another very dear friend YUMMY!). Then it was time to climb into bed and let Santa work his magic.
So here I am, the running and wrapping behind me, the stress and worry a small memory. When I look back each year I always wonder how I made it out on the other side of the madness, but somehow I do. I am truly blessed! No matter what has happened this year, my family and friends have been there with me every step of the way. I cannot imagine a better life then the one I have and coming from a semi perfect mom in progress that is big news! I just have to remind myself of this in the weeks ahead. The happy Christmas feeling will melt away, and I will be be back carpooling and cleaning and cooking and grocery shopping and trying to navigate through the other things that come up for a Perfect Mom in progress.
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