After the washer repairman left yesterday, I was so happy! I was in a hurry, I had to get Avery to her youth group sleepover. On the way I was picking up her girlfriend and then making a quick stop so that Avery could pick up a Christmas present she had in mind for her sister. After I dropped them off, I had planned to run to my favorite produce store and pick up all my vegetables for the next few days. Basically, many, many things to do...rush, rush, hurry, hurry!
Merry Christmas!
All that stopped, when I jumped into the car and it would not start. I had been through this the night before when I was out shopping with Aly and the car would not start when we came out of the mall. I had jumped out of the car and wiggled the cable on the battery the night before and it had started running, so I figured I would give that a shot. Third time was a charm, and off Avery and I went. We picked up Avery's girlfriend and headed out to do our quick shopping. Once we were done with the shopping, we went out to the car, and guess what, it would not start! I went back under the hood for some more jiggling, and after a couple of tries and the car alarm going off (yes, I was worried people would think I was stealing the car) I got the car running again.
At this point, I decided to give it up. I would just drop off the girls at their party and head home. Why bother going anywhere else, I was already so on edge I could lose it at any minute! I kept thinking about me alone in the dark parking lot at the store, poking around under the hood of my car. This just did not sound like a good idea. My life tends to play out like a Lucy episode, and I just was not in the mood to see how this episode would end. Once I got the girls to the party, I left the car running while I unloaded their things and got them safely into the house. With the girls dropped off and my car still running I headed home.
I was so disappointed. I wanted so badly to be done with all my errands and chores, but it seemed like at every turn something else (did I mention my vacuum cleaner belt broke while I was cleaning) happened that slowed me down and and set me back from where I wanted to be. On the other hand, early in the day, the girls and I were baking homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and frosting Christmas cookies. As we worked we were singing Christmas carols at the tops of our lungs. We were also laughing and talking and just enjoying some time together. I wonder if this moment would have happened this way if I had not been waiting for the repairman to come? We had no real agenda, we had lots of time, because we were just going to have to wait for the repairman to get here. Even last night, when I got safely home, I was able to finish my wrapping and enjoy some time that was not originally in my plans.
I need to keep this in mind as I head out this morning. Aly and I have early dental appointments and then I will try to head back out to go to the produce store and finish up my errands, which include getting my mangy mutt groomed! Mark was able to fix my car for me last night, so I will not have to worry about that, but somewhere in the back of my mind I hope I can keep that little piece stored away that not everything is going to happen on my schedule. If I am willing, I can find a way to make almost anything work out, even if it is not how I planned it to be! Perhaps, today will be even better, because I know that I am almost done with all of the rush, rush, hurry, hurry part of Christmas. All that will be left will be visiting with family and friends and remembering why we celebrate this holiday to begin with, it all started with a little baby that was born and laid in a manger.
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