I have decided that my children have a plan to drive me insane. Recently it seems like one minute they are laughing and talking, even doing things to help each other with their Halloween costumes and the next minute I am in the middle of a teen girl hissy fit!
Last night Mark and I came in from a date night to find the two of our children bickering. We had given both girls some tasks to complete while we were out and apparently, Avery decided to wait until she heard the garage door opening to jump up and do her task. The trouble was that she was mad at Aly for not telling her to do her task. Somehow, it was Aly's fault that Avery had not done what she was supposed to do. WHAT?
I was aggravated that I was walking in feeling happy after my time with my hubby, and BAM, I get shoved into the middle of this hissy fit. I have to tell you it ruined my happy feeling real quick! The worst part is that no matter what I say during these episodes, I am the bad guy because I am taking someones side. Generally during one of these hissy fits, I am accused of liking one over the other or even that I am taking someones side by both of them. I am pretty sure that if they stepped back from this for one minute they would be able to tell, if they both think that I am taking the others side, I am probably not taking any one's side at all! HELLO!
Two things bug me about all of this. First, Mark was upset, suddenly his happy wife was a crabby hag and I felt really bad about that. But, I blame the girls(And you wonder where they get it?). Second, most times after I have invested in getting everyone settled down and happy again, I stay aggravated and crabby. Aly and Avery are somewhere laughing and talking and having a grand old time, and I am stewing over the whole thing and cannot let it go. There is something wrong with this.
I have no idea why the girls are prancing around the best of friends again, and I am still ticked off. This is why I think it is a plot by the girls. I think they are planning to keep me moving back and forth between their fights until I become so confused that they have to cart me off to the funny farm! I am certain that this mad at each other, happy with each other cycle is normal, (at least that is what Mark tells me, but he could be in on the scheme too!) but if I was a Perfect Mom could it be different? I really wish I could talk to a Perfect Mom to find out. Maybe a Perfect Mom would know just the right thing to do with my children that would solve my problem forever. Ahhh, FOREVER, doesn't that sound nice?
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