Well, I have been looking around at other blogs, and I really like the idea of pictures. I am sure that if your are a regular reader you have noticed the change. I hope that with the photos it will bring a little more personality to my blog. That being said, today's photo will introduce you to my handsome hubby. Mark is really how the whole perfect mom project began. With his help I have 3 children, so I guess we can blame him, or give him credit, depending on the day.
I know in the past I have mentioned that having more children was Mark's idea, and I continue to feel the blessing of his idea everyday. Some days, more then others. Yesterday morning for example, Avery was not pleased with me. She was listening to the radio and they were telling ghost stories. Avery is a lot like her Mom, she does not like anything scary. As Avery turned off the radio, I mentioned to her that I think our loved ones are with us after they pass away. I told her I was certain that her "Nana"(my Mom) was with us now. That was it, I got the "Thanks Mom", "Way to freak me out" comment.
My intention was not to freak Avery out, I just have a strong feeling that my Mom is here with us. I suppose if I had talked to her about this a month ago, or even two weeks from now it would not have freaked her out quite as much, but considering that Halloween is just a few days away, I think she is very sensitive to anything that seems spooky. I can not imagine that if my Mom is here that she plans to do anything gruesome or scary, but I think it best for now that I keep my mouth shut. I do not want to end up with my 13 year old daughter in bed with me, because she is scared!
I am going to have to make the most of the next 300 days, at the rate I am going, I am going to need every single one of those days to get on board with this Perfect Mom thing. I hope to get through Halloween without any more trouble. It really is bad form for me to be scaring my own kids. Tonight is pumpkin carving, which is Mark's gig with the kids, so that gets me off the hook (for a little while anyway).
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