The pumpkins are carved...phew! Pumpkin carving is something that Mark does with the girls. I have never been fond of the idea of sticking my hands into the slimy pumpkin and yanking its guts out, YUCK!
When Ashleigh was little, I would carve a pumpkin with her most years. Please note I said most, some years I could not bring myself to stick my hands in the pumpkin. It was always the traditional triangle eyes and crooked teeth style. Even when the youngest girls were little I would help out, but once they were old enough, I opted out of the fun and stood on the sidelines. Pumpkin carving for Mark and the girls is not taken lightly.
Choosing a design for the pumpkin has become just as important as the Halloween costume that they will wear. Just last week, Aly was telling me what she thought her design would be. Since Aly loves singing and preforming, she decided her pumpkin would have music notes on it. She also wanted to add a microphone, which we all talked her out of, because we were not sure how to do that. Avery chose to make her pumpkin Harry Potter. Since she is being Hermine Granger for Halloween, she thought it would be fitting to honor Harry. There was much discussion about how to make him and how to do the lightening bolt on his forehead. Avery was quite proud of the fact that she did most of the pumpkin herself.
I have to say all in all the carving went pretty well. Mark was able to extract the pumpkin seeds from the gooey mess and make his annual batch of toasted pumpkin seeds. The girls ended up with cute pumpkins, and I sat around playing on the computer and folding laundry. Sounds like a hoot doesn't it?
The big picture is that I am glad that Mark takes the time to do these things with the girls. I really think that pumpkin carving will be something that they carry forward and do with their own children one day. We work so hard at trying to raise our kids and make sure that they stay on the straight and narrow, when over all, I wonder if it is just about spending time with them, loving them and encouraging them. This is something that I will be pondering today. Perhaps what might be considered as perfect mothering by some, is really not necessary, maybe we just have to get our hands dirty with our kids and enjoy them. HHHmmmnnnn...something to think about.
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