Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cotton Head

Dear Reader, Let me start today by apologizing for my lack luster blogging performance lately. Having spent almost two weeks fighting off an illness that has rendered me useless I am using any energy I have trying to keep my home fires burning. Yesterday was no exception. This coming Friday my youngest and are loading up our car with her two best friends (twins) and their Mom and heading for a college tour. In order for me to feel like we are traveling as safely as possible I decided to take my car in yesterday for an oil change and tire rotation.

This oil change and tire rotation are not that big of a deal, but I like to stay on them to keep my car (which I love) running as top notch as possible. I also like going to our local dealership for this process, because they keep a record of the work I have had done to the car and they have a clean waiting room with coffee and TV. I also decided that I would skip my writing and head out the door at the crack of dawn since there is usually a line and I did not want to wait that long. I am still tired and my head feels like it is stuffed with cotton, it is just best if I limit my time out in the real world as much as possible. When I am a cotton head, the odds of me saying and doing crazy stuff jumps from my normal level to off the charts. My whole family knows I cannot be trusted out alone in this condition.

After I handed my car over to the nice man at the counter where I checked my car in, I made my way to the waiting room. I was very proud of myself for getting out early and accomplishing this task and I sipped my complimentary coffee and smiled smugly as I thought about all the people that were probably waiting while I was happily relaxing in the car dealership waiting room…poor saps! As I sipped my coffee I realized that what goes in must come out and my urge to answer Mother Nature’s call came. I stood, gathered up my belongings and head held high (still feeling super proud of myself) walked towards the restrooms shoved open the door and walked in like a queen claiming her throne. It took me a minute, but I began to realize that this bright and cheery restroom seemed a little off. My cotton stuffed head was working to process everything as I turned around gathering my wits about me and saw…a urinal! I WAS IN THE MEN’S ROOM!!

I was so confused, I had not even looked for a sign, I just walked up and shoved open a door and walked in. Who does that? Most people look at the signs right? Not me, I am out in the world acting like I have the world by the tail when I most definitely do not! I will tell you good fortune was on my side and there were no gentlemen sharing the area with me. That would only have added insult to injury. I should also share that I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was in there. The room was clean and bright with flowers and no odor. Not at all the cesspool I had imagined most men’s rooms to be. As you may have gathered, I was in there a good amount of time. Again, my brain is not working at top notch speed.

Tomorrow I am off bright and early with what I hope will be a clearer head. I am looking forward to starting the college search process all over again. Our first tour just happens to be at my other daughter’s college so I will be taking her boxes so that she can start packing up to come home next week from her first year away at school. Where does the time go? I am going to work on getting myself together and getting the cotton out of my brain today so that this trip will go on with no incidents. Oh brother, who am I trying to kid!

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