Monday, May 14, 2012


You know how you are happily going along, feeling good, everything playing out nicely and then suddenly BAM, evil steps in and socks it to you? An unexpected punch right in the gut, boom, boom! That is what happened last Friday, I was feeling pretty good about the way things were going with settling my Mom’s estate and then WAM.
My sister (that lives down south) has decided now is a good time to hire a lawyer and demand an accounting of the estate. Mind you she has never asked us (my other sister and I) for an accounting. She has poked at us with emails saying she knows things and then when pressed would not share what she “knew” and she has accused and also made assumptions, but why a lawyer? Really?
SO because it is best that I not engage with her, I will tell you what I think. I consider myself an Avenger. Sorry, saw the movie with the family yesterday and my desire to wear a cape or something has gotten the best of me. But anyway, I have from the beginning of this felt it was my job to avenge the wrongs that have been done to my Mom by my Dad. If you have followed this mess from the beginning, you know all the terrible details and I really do not want to dig it up again, so you will just have to trust me that my Dad was evil and self centered and made very bad decisions that were hurtful. With that in mind it has always been my mission (another super hero term) to see that everything is settled fairly and honestly. My sister Theresa and I have worked diligently to remain focused on what my Mom wanted before my Dad put his grubby mitts in and messed everything up.
That being said, we now have this sister who can never be happy and who stood by and watched my Dad make all of the inappropriate decisions, calling us out about accounting? Seriously it is not a problem but why spend money hiring an attorney? Why not just send an email asking for an accounting? Why would you continue to make hurtful trouble? This is just unbelievable. I also want to make clear that this was my Mom, and this sister is actually my step-sister. My Mom included her and my other sisters and I always honored that because that is what my Mom wanted.
My Duty is to preserve my Moms memory and her wishes and that is what I am doing. No one is going to be left out and no one is going to be cheated and every decision that has been made has been made with nothing but the best interests of our families in mind. I will avenge the wrongs that have been done and now I will protect the integrity of my sister Theresa and myself. It is sad that we cannot all just focus on settling everything and moving on instead we must now all focus on the squeaky wheel, who apparently thinks that we are going to behave like her Dad and disregard the wishes of my Mom.
Just for the record, that is not how this Avenger rolls. I am determined to see this mess through. When this finally ends there will be some tears in the family fabric, but I have to chalk that up to my Dad. The sad part is that I knew this was going to end like this and told him so just three short years ago. Sometimes you just have to let evil worm its way around it's self and do themselves in. It’s something you learn in super hero school, you will just have to trust me on that…and you can trust me!

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