I am sure you have heard the saying, No news is good news. I am normally a no news person. I live in a bubble and rarely look out into the world and its news. I stare into my backyard at the birds and grass and most days the sunshine and think nothing of what might be going on past all of that. Call me ignorant or uninformed, but I adopted this outlook long ago when I would get so caught up by the news that it would affect my daily life.
Lately, the news has drawn me in and I find myself curious. Curious and concerned, about Syria and curious about the woman who is on trial for killing her daughter and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Suddenly there seems to be a large amount of civil unrest in many nations and flooding and natural disasters here and across the world. The news is sucking me in and I do not like it at all!
I was happy being the ostrich with my head shoved in the sand. Not knowing what was going on was like having a good news day every day. I did not have to worry about other people or other states or other countries; it was just all about me and my life all the time. The hard part is that is not reality. Life is about everyone not just me. Every day while Miss No News is Good News is pondering her happiness others near and far are sad or hurt or sometimes worse. It is time to put on my big girl panties, draw my head out of the sand and pay attention to what is happening in our world.
Being informed and aware of what is happening does not have to affect my own life. Information and knowledge can set you free. Knowing what is happening can help you be a good citizen and an informed voter. It is also a good idea to face reality, mine is not the only life, I am just a speck in a giant universe of lives and I need to be aware of the world around me. It is time to realize that knowing about the struggles and sadness does not have to make me or my life sad, but it will make me more compassionate, educated and understanding. I am not alone there is a big world out there beyond my backyard, a world that shares my sunshine. No news is…not the way to live!