Thursday, July 25, 2019

Can You Feel It?

Can you feel it too? That electricity in the air? People on edge but keeping it to themselves?Frustration that’s causing anxiety that no one talks about? I feel like we are all positioned for an intervention, but there are so many of us feeling this way that we will all end up intervening for each other and (or) ourselves. 

There is an energy at play that has us unsure of what is next and worried that whatever is next is not what we really want next, but the train has left the station and  we are on it. Do we jump off the train or ride it to the end? Do we gather together and make a plan to fight off the negative energy or fend for ourselves, fighting the anxiety bag with our emotional billy club of choice. Hiding in a glass of wine or liquor or starting a labor intense project where you hammer at the project until all you anxiety is left bruised and bloody. There is also the options to walk or run or scream your way past the anxiety sign. 

I have to tell you I am at my highest level of anxiety that I can ever remember. There are things that I can point to that seem like good reasons to be anxious, but over all I have never been one to even recognize my anxiety. I have always made my way through and back to myself without much thought. Now I stand and look about like I have lost something and I have no idea what it is. Could it be my sanity? Could my marbles actually be lost? I do know that this mornings cup of coffee I am sipping on was a really bad idea. Caffeine is anxiety in a cup. This morning I  apparently have chosen to put myself completely over the edge. TIMBERRRRRRR!

I know that there are many things I can do to calm this anxiety down,  but I had hoped that if I spent some time tumbling around in my mind, I might actually pull myself together. No such luck! I’m just as tense as when I started and no where near the exit sign. I’m going to quit while I’m ahead and declare a draw on my personal side kick have won this round but don’t start the count yet, I’m down but not out. 

Even though this anxiety beast is in the air it’s not gonna take me down with it. I’m going to focus on the running waters of The Deeper Pond and slowly pull myself up and out of the clutches of this beast. 

Note: I learned recently that I need to do some behind the scenes work to allow comments to     work again. In the mean time you are welcome to comment on my Instagram page Thedeeperpond.

noun: billy club
  1. 1. 
    short for billy goat.
  2. 2. 
    a truncheon; a cudgel.

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