Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Enjoy the Ride

It is time once again to start thinking college tours. My youngest is speeding through her junior year and in less than three months we will be thinking about college, touring colleges, senior pictures and more. It is hard to believe we are here again. I just safely tucked my middle daughter in at her college and in a few weeks she will be returning home for the summer. As life marches forward I realize that as long as things keep moving forward, we are in a good place. I can stand back and wish things would slow down or I can just hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

I like being on this moving life target. Although much of my life right now is on a spinning wheel of should and have to, it’s a good life filled with events big and small that are continuous opportunities to wrap my arms around the ones I love and share their joy and sorrow. As these youngest children of mine grow, I think I am finally getting the idea of appreciating the time I have with them while I can. When my middle daughter was born my oldest was all ready 10, almost 11 and while her life had been my sole focus up to that point, I had to learn to add another love extension cord and then when my youngest came along I once again had to pull out another love extension cord. You would think that your love and your time would thin out, but it does not.

Somehow your love seems to refill and refresh. Your children no matter how big or small rejuvenate your love for them every day. I can go to bed exasperated and wake to a beautiful smile and hug from my children and suddenly my heart and strength are back better than ever. At this point in our lives together my children need as much from me as they did when they were little. Now however my help is more emotional than physical, the diapers and toys have faded away. I am in charge of propping them up and cheering them on and letting these young women know that sometimes what feels like falling down is really just growing up.
As I prepare for this new round of college tours and a home filled with two maturing girls, I know that although time feels like it is flying by it is really just circling around, like a good Merry-go-round should. I encourage you to jump on board, it feels bumpy at first, but once you get the hang of it, you just have to enjoy the ride.

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