I had in my mind that I wanted to learn about the
people on the paternal side of my tree. I don’t have any plans to call or visit
anyone; I just wanted to see how that side of the family tree fleshed out.
Learning about the other half of me has never been something I particularly
cared about, but lately I have been curious. Other than a few wedding photos
that I have of my parents I literally know nothing other than the information
tainted with anger and disappointment that my Mom had shared with me.
Without information about your father you cannot say
what medical cards are on the table for your other side. You read through
medical forms and shrug because you have no clue what lies ahead for you based
on the paternal family history. The lack of information is in some ways easier
because I cannot worry or obsess about things I know nothing about. Thanks to
pictures I have found from my parents wedding, I know that my height and my
nose come from my father’s side. I have long legs and a big nose and no one to
I started my tree with the names of my parents. Every
so often there would be a little hint from the website that I would pursue and
find someone new to add to my tree. I would poke around for a little while each
day and then take a break. Each time I went back to the website, there would be
another little hint or two or three.
The trouble is that my tree is flourishing on the side
that I already know the most about, my maternal side. My paternal side is barely
worth calling a branch let alone a tree. I have poked and dug around the roots
of the paternal side but nothing seems to be happening there. I find myself
looking at the website everyday hoping for a new hint, something, anything,
which clears the way to a blooming paternal tree.
Look it’s not like I am walking around with only one
functioning side of my body, I know that. It is just that I wanted a little peek
into the other people that influenced my being. I had hoped to read about my
paternal grandmother. I know that my grandmother came to see me a couple of
times but my Mom would not let here in the house because my birth father was
not paying the child support that he was instructed to pay by the courts. On
one hand I understand my Mom making this line in the sand with my father, but
my Grandma? I guess sometimes you flex the power you think you have in hopes of
a result. In this case there was no result except that that side of my tree has
shriveled away.
I find myself feeling like I have lost something even
though there was never really anything there. I hoped I would stumble across a
nugget of history that I could hold on to. Just a little pebble from the path I
came from…but, for now that is not possible.
I have another month with this family tree service and
I plan to use it. It is just hard not to get frustrated, disappointed and sad
when you are climbing a tree looking for family fruit and you’re barely two
feet off the ground with no hope of going any higher or even grabbing one piece
of fruit. I am not going to lie though; I have a really hard time understanding
how my birth father or anyone really can just turn their backs on their own
children and never look back. When you think about it, this really doesn’t bode
well for their character. It also makes for a disappointing and unhealthy
family tree.