Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bloom Where You are Planted!

The last few weeks’ random sunflowers have begun to bloom in my yard. I look out and see at least three sunny and bright Sunflowers with their shiny yellow heads tipped towards the sun. These sunflowers are no doubt forgotten seeds that were dropped as birds flew away from our bird feeder. This random unexpected beauty is a pleasant surprise every year and I always look forward to finding where the new crop will pop up. These dropped and forgotten seeds bloom right where they are planted sometimes in the most unlikely locations.

Each year as I see their stems reach towards the sky I become eager to see what they will become. Some years I have tall and graceful plants with large blooms and other times I come across the small but mighty bloom tucked deep in my garden with its bloom open and strong and its yellow petals begging for the sun. No matter where they pop up they bloom with strength and beauty.

You can learn a lot from nature when you think about it. Each year in spite of what winter has in store for us, plants and trees bloom again. In fall we watch as summers beauty is turned into colors of spun gold and red hot fires, trees that tower above us with warm and rich crowns that gently fall around us as winter comes closer. Once winter arrives we snuggle inside and watch cold winds blow frosty beauty all around us. Nothing stops nature it pushes forward.

I am reminded each year when I see these sunflowers that we must bloom where we are planted. We are the champions of our own happiness and we must raise our heads up and shine. We may not like where we are planted but it is up to each of us to make the best of the moment we are in and learn what we need to from each place life takes us. Today on this sunny day the sunflowers are opening wide and gathering up the sunshine to fuel them for another day. Why not spend a little time today doing the same and build up your sunny glow inside of you to carry you through.