When we arrived home from the midnight showing of Eclipse this morning at two in the morning, I was very happy to see my bed. I was surprised I stayed awake, but the movie was action packed and kept us on the edge of our seats! I rose at 6:30 AM and prepared breakfast for my wonderful friends, "The Newsletter Moms". We have out lived the title, there is no longer a need to fold and mail the newsletter, it is now emailed. We however, remain friends and our monthly breakfasts keep me connected to some amazing women. These women along with many friends that I have had for what seems a lifetime, have helped me make my way through this last few months. Each friend has offered their love and support during a very difficult time. I am truly blessed to know all of them.
Each day that I step out and spend time with my children and friends, I find I heal a little bit more. Spending, time with my girls doing something crazy like a midnight movie helps me connect with them and it reminds me that life is able to go on. I can go on with my life or stay locked in a depression and wonder why all these things have happened. I chose to move forward. I found myself telling Aly yesterday (as she struggled with a challenge in her life) that when you have a road block you must find a way around it. Standing in front of it and doing nothing or giving up, you go nowhere. In my life I have found that when I would shrink from a challenge or road block it would resurface at another time in my life. With that in mind I stepped back into my life. I will not let these weeks of hurt change me. I will enjoy my family, and make time with my friends and I will step over this road block and get on with the life I love. Not only will this be good for me, it will be a great example to my children, which is what I am here for.
I am tired, but it was worth giving up some sleep to reinforce my love for my children. Besides I have to admit I am hooked on this series of movies. They offer me a chance to bond with my girls and they entertain me at the same time it is a win/win situation. Mark is just coming in the door, which is the reverse of when I usually write. Normally he is heading out for work, but my day was scrambled because of all the activities we had. I will have to get going, there is still much to do today, that's just what happens when you jump the road block, you hit the ground running!